Do you know what’s worse than having a Creativity Block? Using Creativity for no reason. And today, we will be talking about what it actually means in a true advertising sense.
But before that, let’s understand why we even need to put in creativity in content? Your answer might be to send an impactful message, to stand out with your brand or possibly be considered quirky enough, eh?
Well, what if we say these factors along with Creativity are not necessarily required in advertising. Yes, you read it right.
“Creativity is not a priority in Advertising. Period.”
And the answer is really straight forward. The application of advertising is to fetch responses, it’s that simple. Advertising is done to boost sales, maximise conversions and facilitate business development. Fetching applauds for a quirky and creative ad does not bring in money, but response and inquiries certainly puts you in the money hunt.
Moreover, the simpler the ad gets, the easier and quicker the audience feels to respond. Don’t make the ads highly creative, brainy or complex such that it causes an individual to understand it in the first place, then connect with his/her daily life and then maybe if he/she is patient enough still, to take an action. Your sales prospect is getting delayed you see and even worse if they miss out on understanding! You just missed an eyeball or impression.
Creativity plays a vital role when it comes to branding games, building a business network or using it on your social media feed. It helps the audience to get an impression about your brand, recollect it on a pattern the next time they come across you or hold a significant attribute about your brand in their brains. But when we talk about ads, the whole game changes drastically. Hell, we at Tezla seldom require a creative designer for ads, most of the time we do it ourselves.
We’re assuming you’re now a bit confused since we’re bringing in ground breaking truth that could change your brand advertising drastically. So to make it easier for you, here are 5 tips for making highly effective ads. You’re welcome:
- Keep it simple, short and easy to understand
- Use more visuals than words. Let them see more than read it
- Use an easy call to action for generating more inquiries/prospects
- Show them the value they actually want to see in your brand
- Make them visualise themselves in the ad once they see it
These 5 tips are just a tiny drop in the ocean. There’s so much more about advertising that agencies, businesses and brands know seldom about. But yeah, in a nutshell, creativity is not a really big deal in advertising. Don’t believe us still? Read the quote below and the name of the person who wrote it. You’re Welcome!
“If you want people to buy your product, you must explain it as briefly and simply as possible: what you sell, and how buying your product will improve their lives. People don’t have that much time to stop and read, so if you think you should surprise them with your words and creativity, you can do it, but never at the expense of making the sale.”
-David Ogilvy